Business card dimensions are 2x3.5in, while in most of Europe, business card sizes vary a bit, but the standard is 85x55mm.
Create a new document simply by clicking File > New. Set the width and height to either 2x3.5in, 85x55mm, and set resolution to 600 pixels/inch
Create New Layer: Layer - New - Layer or simply click Shift+Ctrl+N and name it Logo 1
Now we are going to put company log, you can either design it yourself or simply import it from your computer files, in my tutorial am going to design my own log using pictures downloaded from the internet
Am going to drag the logo into my document and it will be placed at the left upper corner of my business card document, am going to duplicate logo layer and this will automatically create new layer which will name it Logo 2 then Press Ctrl+T to re-size it much more smaller than logo 1
To make our Logo more attractive we are going to format Logo 2, On Layer palette right click on top of Logo 2 Layer and click on blending Options
Layer Style Box will appear, and simply check inner shadow box, satin box,outer grow box and drop shadow box then click OK
Now you will see a different between logo 1 and logo 2, as per below
Its time to add company name into your logo, simply create a new layer, and select Pen Tool
to type in some text.I will simply write Cindy Consultancy and place it on top of my Logo, just below tittle bar Pen Tool bar will appear, this will enable you to change text color,size,type,style etc once done click the tick sign
To stylize company name simply go to blending option and style it as you desire.... am done with the logo
Now am going to add three Layers and work with one at a time, one Layer will be for name of the business card holder, the other for tittle and the last one for contact details
Follow same procedure to edit the text and style them as you desire using blending options as well as Pen Tool editing tools
Am done, as simple as that