In this tutorial we will learn how to add lightening effect to a picture, But in we wont be creating the effects, have just downloaded them from the internet, simply go to Google and search by image.. search lightening png and you will get plenty of effect.
Have come to understand that creating this effect in Photoshop takes a lot of my time so have come up with alternative way
download them here
Photoshop Effects you can use this as brushes!
After downloading the effects, open your image in photoshop
Then go to Image - Adjustment - Desaturated ( this will turn the whole photo into black and white)
Then grab history tool brush and paint over areas you want to retain its color, in my image i will paint over the dress
Now open all the effect into Photoshop and using drag tool, drag them over your image, this will create a separate layer for each effect
Arrange them as you desire, but remember the effect should be behind the girl, if they appear infront simply grab eraser tool and erase accordingly
Have fun