Open your Image in Photoshop
Duplicate Background Layer
Desaturated the Image
Image - Adjustment - Desaturated
Open New blank Layer
Layer - New - Layer and name it as you desire
With New Layer selected Grab Brush tool and set
Choose Soft Brush and paint on the air, color as you desire
With New layer selected
Go to Filter - Blur -Sulface Blur and Set Threshold to 255, Radius to 100
Right click on the new Layer and select Blending Options
Check on texture, While Holding the ALT key,drag the white slider input to the left ( it should be 170/255), then click OK ( Settings varies depending on your image)
Open Open light brush and drag it into your image, set it as you desire
Download it here
Press Ctrl+T for handles to re-size the photo
Well, That's it