Forest Fairy Photoshop Manipulation

Hello and welcome to another Photoshop Manipulation Tutorial. In this tutorial I will show you how to combine several stock images to create a fairy fantasy forest. Am not yet an experts in adobe Photoshop but I like the fact that each and every day am learning new techniques. My greatest inspiration id PSDBOX,

This time i will provide different kind of tutorial, am going to upload Photoshop PSD file which you can download and open it in your Photoshop, just click on all the layers to understand what i did. 

Please use my work only for fun and not commercial, incase you publish my work in any website please refer back to this page


Welcome to another Photo manipulation tutorial. In this tutorial I will show you how to turn several free stock images into a beautiful manipulation. You will learn how to manipulate light and several other techniques

Final image

Resources used
Background 2

First Step
Am going to start with the background images. Am going to combine two stock image (background 1 and background 2)to create a beautiful background image.
Open the background image in Photoshop. Then use the Pen Tool (P) and draw a path around the sky. After you’ve made the selection with the Pen Tool, convert the Path into selection and create a Layer Mask to hide the selected sky or delete it. I prefer to mask it because it’s a non-destructive technique.
Or if you are using an image with clear sky you can simply remove the background by using Magic eraser tool or use any other technique you prefer
After you remove the original sky from the background image, open the other stock image using the link at the beginning of the tutorial into Photoshop and drag it on top of the background layer. Press CTRL+T to get hold of handles to reposition and resize the image, position it as desired and when done click on tick icon. (use this for whole other stock images that will be added to you image)

Second Step
Since I used premade backgrounds for Photoshop am not going to add any changes at this stage. I will now open train stock image into Photoshop and drag it into my document, this will automatically create a new Layer and I will name it train. Am going to add inner light grow.
With Train Layer Selected, right click on it and select blending options, follow below settings or if you are manipulating your own images please play with the settings until you achieve desired results.
Also I will add inner shadow on the train, click on inner shadow and follow below settings

Shadow Settings

Inner Grow Settings

Third Step
 We are now going to add adjustment layers to the train so that its colors could blend with the background image, I will use gradient map adjustment layer and hue/saturation adjustment layer. Below are the settings

Forth Step
I am now going to add birds into the image, as usual I will drag this into my current document and name it birds, this layer doesn’t need lots of adjustments. Therefore am only going to lower later opacity to 71% and fill 87%.
Fifth Step
I will now add travel bags into the image.

Then I will add adjustment Layer Hue saturation and apply below settings

Then a Gradient Map adjustment layer with below settings, our aim is to blend the bags with the background.

Also I will add some shadows – inner and drop shadow to achieve more realistic look. With bag layer selected right click and then select blending option and click on drop shadow as well as inner shadow then add settings as per below

Now we are going to add soft black light around the bag – Create a new layer and name it bag shadow, grab a soft brush set brush hardness to 0 size to 3px, lower layer opacity to 86 and fill to 45 then start painting with black around the bags, make sure fore ground is set to black

Sixth Step
I will now import the lights into the image, i now have only one light layer, I used above light stock image, duplicated it five times then positioned in proper places then I merged the layer into one to make editing easier.
Create a new layer, above light layer, grab a soft brush set brush hardness to 0 size to 3px, lower layer opacity to 86 and fill to 45 then start painting with black around the bags, make sure fore ground is set to black
I will paint the lower part of the light with black

Seventh Step
I will now create adjustment layer – Gradient map to affect the whole image (this is not clipping mask), please follow below settings

 Before and After Gradient effect

Eight Step

Am now going to add the model and position here on the railway line in front of the train, we are going to add shadows to our model, right click on the model layer and click on blending option. check on inner shadow and drop shadow box, am not going to utter the settings cause i like them just the way they are.
I want to reduce saturation and light on model, will create adjustment layer (clipping mask) above the model and apply below settings

We are going to add shadows beyond beyond the model, Create a new layer and name it model shadow, grab a soft brush set brush hardness to 0 size to 3px, lower layer opacity to 86 and fill to 45 then start painting with black beyond the model to create some shadows, make sure fore ground is set to black.
 Do the same below the lights as per below direction

Ninth Step
Create Another Adjustment layer - Gradient map as per below settings ( this should effect the whole image). I used 14234a color
Then set blending mode to Multiply.

The last step is to add some light on the railway in front of the train,Create a new layer and name it train light, grab a soft brush set brush hardness to 0 size to 3px, lower layer opacity to 86 and fill to 45 then start painting with black beyond the model to create some white shadows, make sure fore ground is set to white.
Lower opacity to 55%

Note: sorry i skipped showing how to resize and reposition stock images that were added to the main image, please use same procedures as i instructed in first step 


6 Briliant Photoshop Manipulation Tutorials

This Tutorial covers collection of 6 brilliant Photoshop manipulation tutorials for both beginners and experts. In this tutorials you will be introduced to different tricks and tips to achieve amazing manipulations. Have fun

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In this tutorial you will learn how to create an atmospheric snow queen scene. This tutorial will teach you all kinds of practical techniques including:

  • Combining multiple photos to create a custom backdrop
  • Adding custom lighting effects
  • Using adjustment layers correctly
  • Blending images seamlessly
  • Creating a snow blizzard effect using brushes


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You’ll master blending various images together, applying adjustment layers, working with masks, brushes, light effects and much more.

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Learn how to create this photo manipulation with this detailed step-by-step walk through. You’ll learn how to combine a beautiful redhead model with a black raven in a mystical landscape scene. 

Photo Manipulation - AUTUMN FAIRY

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a fantasy scene of an autumn fairy. This tutorial will show you how to create hair, makeup, and apply lighting effects in simple steps to help improve your photo manipulation skills and techniques.

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Create a Spooky Forest Setting in Adobe Photoshop

In this tutorial, you'll be creating a spooky cottage in the woods using Adobe Photoshop. You'll learn about a range of photo manipulation tools, and will see how you can add visual effects to convey a Halloween mood. So get ready to add an atmosphere of terror and dread to this quaint little cottage in the woods!

Take the tutorial

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